Quality job descriptions attract quality people. If your company’s job descriptions don’t stand out from the typical page-long bullet lists that oversaturate Craigslist, you’re not going to catch the attention of the most qualified individuals for an open position. While writing a compelling job description will require more thought than writing the ordinary bullet list-styled description, the payoff will be worth the extra time you put in. Your company will receive applications from talented, creative individuals; the type of people who ignore boring job descriptions out of fear that the work environment will be equally boring.
Tag Archives: Job Description
Why is Facebook the best place to work?

Facebook is not just America’s favorite social network, but also America’s favorite workplace. In the latest fifth annual Employees’ Choice Awards, a list of the 50 Best Places to Work unveiled by the online jobs and career community Glassdoor, Facebook, the social media giant, was named the best company to work for in 2013.
The Simple Job Description of the President of the United States

Now you may think that the most complex job description would be that of the President of the United States. Actually, the job description is pretty simple and straightforward. Taken from Article II, Sections 2 and 3 of the Constitution, the following is the job description a candidate might see if he or she were applying for the position of President of the United States.